The New York Times and Washington Post have saturated their opinion pages with pro-war articles, according to the a study by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, whose findings were discussed on Democracy Now. The study evaluated the so-called "liberal" institutions from January through October of 2010, and found that of the 100 op-eds published, the number favoring the continuation of the war in Afghanistan outnumbered op-eds advocating a partial or immediate withdrawal at the New York Times by 5-1, and at the Washington Post by 10-1. In fact, nearly all of the anti-war op-eds at the New York Times were published by Bob Herbert, with virtually no guest op-eds opposing the war. Instead, the debate focused on whether we should fight with more boots on the ground or more planes in the sky. Democracy in America.
Sad, but let's not forget these are the same folks that helped instigate the War in Iraq by essentially blessing Bush with their approval. In 2004, when The Times apologized for dropping the ball in Iraq, it cited a lack of aggressiveness in questioning the "evidence" presented by the war mongers in power. Let's see what apology they cough up when Obama's war proves to be a disaster.