Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Americans overwhelmingly against a troop surge on eve of speech

The Washington Post may run a biased, pro-war op-ed page, but it can't hide damning poll numbers. A survey published on the eve of President Obama's speech reveal that only 24% of Americans support the McChrystal troop surge, versus 45% who want to decrease the number of troops in Afghanistan, with most of the remainder supporting keeping troop levels the same. Obama's support is collapsing among the people who worked their asses off to get him elected, with fewer than 20% of Democrats supporting the surge. But us liberals are not alone. A bare majority, 51% of all adults, say "the war is not worth fighting", up from 41% in March, when Obama's first troop surge began. In fact, 41% of Americans are "strongly opposed" to the continuation of the war. Hopefully some of them will step out of the woodwork and join us in the streets.
Let us be clear- if a poll showed these kind of numbers on any other issue, the media would be aglow with stories of "Americans rejecting" the policy. But because this is war, the media has presented this as Americans "being concerned", or having "reservations." Somehow, the American people haven't had enough evidence after eight plus years of war to decide for themselves.

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